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  • $ 228.00
  • Regular price $ 449.00
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E700.4 – Full range 4, 3 or 2 channel amplifier, with CLEAN D technology, 2 ohm stable and built-in crossovers.

D'Amore Engineering E-Series Amplifiers are powerful enough to drive the most demanding speakers, with great sound quality, at an amazing price. 

  • 4 AWG Power and Ground connectors
  • Extruded aluminum heatsinks
  • Full MOSFET design

CLEAN D = High efficiency Full Range Class D, with the filtering of all inputs and outputs, for clean performance throughout the passband, and all the way to clipping. 

CLEAN D design also protects the vehicle’s sensitive electronic systems from EMI, (the typical cause of check engine lights and other random bad behaviors). 

  • 100 Watts X 4 continuous into 4 ohms
  • 175 Watts X 4 continuous into 2 ohms
  • 350 Watts X 2 continuous into 4 ohms bridged mono


Dimensions 16 x 5.3 x 1.9 inches

*** SMD Hand Tool Not Included *** 

User Manual 

Customer Reviews

Based on 7 reviews

Nice clean sounding amp

Glenroy Corbin
Beautiful amplifier

The amplifier arrived late from ups but it was worth the wait not only does it look good but sounds great, now I have to get myself the E1000.1 for my subwoofer..... thanks everyone at D'amore for producing such great products.

Daniel R
Muy Buen Amplificador

La verdad sorprendido por la calidad de sonido y la potencia
Muy Feliz con la Compra !!!


Sounds very dynamic,detailed,& gets loud, and there are no turn on/off noises. This is one of the best class D full range amps I've ever heard. I would say the e series is just as good/maybe better sounding than the audison Forzas. ( I've had the ac, alpine, and many of the old school class abs for reference.) You won't be disappointed with any of the eseries amps, this is my 3rd.( e1000.1, and e350.2)

Charles S.
Powerful Elegance

This amp is clean, articulate and powerful all at the same time! Dead silence between tracks which indicates an excellent snr! I have yet to run into any distortion issues…and really don’t expect to. Solid build quality, easy install and exceptional sound quality!!
Highest recommendation for this amp!!

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